BEA, Baby!

This weekend I attended Book Expo America (BEA) at the Javits Center in New York. It was my first time at BEA, which is a major annual conference for the publishing industry. Publishers, booksellers and other book-related vendors set up booths that together cover the area of a couple of football fields!!

All told, it was a weekend of many book signings, excellent networking and awesome giveaways!! In fact, there was so much going on that it would be hard to fit it all into one post. I’ll save the most dramatic details for a few follow-up posts, but in the meantime, here are some of the highlights:

Sharon Draper recognized The Rock and the River when I gave her my flyer!

Meeting Olivia! I was so excited. It was almost ridiculous. But how cute is she?!?!

My new BEA buds. Two writer friends I met at the conference, Latria and Tiffany.

Stay tuned for more on my many BEA adventures!