New Year, New Directions

Okay, so it isn’t the new year yet, but I can’t believe how fast the summer disappeared, and how quickly the fall seems to be getting chomped up, too. It’s already mid-October (eek!) and I’m sure I’ll be dragging out my snowboots and singing Auld Lang Syne much sooner than I can possibly imagine.

So, I just wanted to share a quick update about some changes that I’m planning and some new ideas that I’m forming about my online presence. In short: I need to step it up a notch! I started this blog when my first book was published, believing that it would be a good way to keep people informed of my activities. It is, but I’ve felt for a while now that I can’t be an effective blogger until I find a focus and direction for my posts that is larger than myself and more content-rich than simple self-promotion.

Happy news: After only three years, I finally figured out what I want to blog about! Hooray!

The new focus for my blog (as yet untitled) is going to be the author’s journey. I’ll share my reflections on the experience of transitioning from being a person who aspires to publish, to a person with a book contract in hand, to a person who is a published author, especially focusing on all the steps along the journey from being a debut novelist to being an established and successful author. Writers view publication as the epitome of success, but there’s also a profound personal and professional journey that begins when you get your first contract. Sometimes it feels like you’ve been thrust into no-man’s-land, and we don’t talk enough about how to negotiate the “after.” I hope this blog can become a gathering place for authors to share their experiences and struggles (personal and professional) as well as a place to welcome debut writers into the fold with resources, advice and support that will help them get off to a great start.

I’m updating my website design now, and it will all launch in January, so I’ll do some cross-posting at that time and try to drum up new traffic and start a broader conversation. In the meantime, for the benefit of my few but faithful followers, I’m going to be posting some initial material on these topics so that when the brand new blog (yay!) goes live, I’ll already have some things posted for people to look at.

Basically, this is a warning to my existing fans (you are few, but you are loyal!): Don’t freak out when I start posting more than once a week! I truly hope you’ll join me when I move to the new and improved, and that you’ll add your insights to the conversation there.

Image: Pixomar /